Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Impact of the "MakeTheRightCall" Initiative

Sometimes the initiatives we are working on at the Health Collaborative hit close to home.  Earlier this summer I was enjoying a Saturday evening at a park with some friends when I took a misstep off a curb. That led to an embarrassing, slow motion tumble followed by an intense pain in my right ankle.  After I dusted off my pride, I realized the bruising and swelling was almost instant.  Not fun or pretty.

My friends offered to take me to the emergency room but as I thought about it, I realized this wasn't an emergency. There was nothing even potentially life threatening about my ankle turning shades of blue. I could hobble around so I was confident nothing was broken and in danger of being made worse.  The biggest issue was pain, and I could ice, elevate, and take Naproxen to get through the night.  I decided to spend the evening being as comfortable as possible at home and let the Emergency Department staff worry about the real emergencies.  I knew that in the morning, if I felt I needed treatment, I could call my primary care doctor and find out what he recommended.  

I felt pretty smart.  Not only was my Saturday evening at home much more peaceful than it would have been in the emergency room, but I’m sure I saved myself hundreds of dollars I would have billed just to be seen by an emergency physician.  My ankle is healing slowly but surely and I know I made the right call.

Laura Randall

In addition to being a clumsy walker, Laura Randall is the Director of Communications at the Health Collaborative.

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